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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 6 monitors (win 7 64bit) setup, Does Ultramon support playing full screen on all 6 monitors as 1?
Jeth   2011-05-09 11:15
hi.. I have 6 monitors 2up / 3 sides setup on windows 7 ultimate 64bit. How can i setup ultramon to play my movies full screen on all 6 monitors? I am able to click the ultramon full screen button and stretch windows player on all 6 screen but not the actual video.

Is there a way to watch a full screen movies with ultramon on all my 6 monitors?
Christian Studer   2011-05-10 09:16
Could be due to the video codec used for the video type you're using, WMV files for example should work fine stretched across multiple monitors. Is this with a DVD/VOB file?

Christian Studer -
Jeth   2011-05-10 16:17
the windows media player stretch on all 6 monitors but the actual video only fills up 2 screen.

the file im playing is mp4 and windows media and avi.

is there a way to play movies on atleast the 3 screen or all 6 monitor screen as 1 big screen?
I would like to know how maybe you can include a guide for dummy thanks
Christian Studer   2011-05-11 09:13
Could be due to the dimensions of the video, I think Media Player will always keep the correct aspect ratio of the video, meaning it won't get stretched to fill the player window if that would distort the video. Do you have the same issue if you resize the media player window manually?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 6 monitors (win 7 64bit) setup, Does Ultramon support playing full screen on all 6 monitors as 1?

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