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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> nvidia control panel dual monitor custom resolution
MarkHR   2011-05-24 07:47
Hey there

I'm using ultramon with:
- 2x palit gtx570 graphics cards
- 2x dell 3008wfp 2560x1600 monitors

I'd like to play World of Warcraft so it spans both monitors (5120x1600).

As I understand it I need to create a custom resolution in nvidia control panel.

However, I can't get past the "test" button as, on clicking it, the primary screen doesn't display a recognisable picture.

That is, there's a fragmented, mostly black screen until I press escape and the primary screen reverts to it's original (native) settings.

Secondary screen remains unaffected throughout.

There are only the "test" and cancel buttons in the custom resolutions pop up, i.e., no ok or apply button.

Does this mean:
- the video cards are broken?
- the monitor is broken?
- ultramon and win7 home premium 64bit don't work together (no other problems so far though)?
- user error (clueless with computers is clueless)?

Any constructive help would be greatly appreciated.
Christian Studer   2011-05-24 09:56
On Windows XP you could do this with the video card's span mode, but I don't think Nvidia supports this on Windows 7.

You could try if running the game in windowed mode and stretching it across both monitors works.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> nvidia control panel dual monitor custom resolution

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