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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual-Monitor Problem
Ian Daniel   2011-06-03 22:23

Simple Q before I explain the set-up/problem.

1. How do I get UltraMon to control Windows Screen Resolution and Nvidia settings for which is the number 1 and number 2 monitor in my dual-monitor setup?

UltraMon is setup right with my DVI monitor as 1 (main) and HDMI LG/TV monitor as 2. But in Nvidia and Windows Screen Res they are the opposite and this is causing problems.

My set-up is:

PC with Gigabit 440 Geforce graphics card/GPU with DVI and HDMI output.

From PC/GPU DVI goes to BenQ Monitor - I want this as monitor 1 (main). HDMI goes LCD LG TV, this is the second PC Monitor/TV - I want this always as monitor 2. For watching TV and also as an Extended display so I can watch movies on this as I work on the main monitor (monitor 1).


1. If I reboot the PC signal to monitor 1 (DVI) is not present and monitor 2 (HDMI) seems to take over as default (if turned off). To correct this I have to unplug the HDMI lead from the GPU and the DVI signal returns which enables me to then boot the PC.

So if I can get the DVI as monitor 1 (main) and HDMI as monitor 2, the problem would be fixed.

Thanks for any input you can give.

Christian Studer   2011-06-04 07:52
You can only change the monitor numbering used by UltraMon, via UltraMon menu > Display Settings > Actions > Change Monitor Number, UltraMon can't change the numbering used by the operating system.

I'm not sure what causes the issue you're seeing, shouldn't matter how the monitors are numbered, maybe it's a display driver issue. If you haven't already done this, try if installing the latest drivers for the video card fixes the problem.

Christian Studer -
Ian Daniel   2011-06-06 08:49
Thanks for the response Christian. Tried the drivers a few times, didn't change the issues. I'll keep looking.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual-Monitor Problem

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