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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> enabling span mode across dual monitors using windows xp
i want teh span mode!   2011-06-05 11:42

currently i am trying to enable span mode across two monitors and have the system think that i only have one monitor. I am currently googleing to my hearts content trying to find a solution using ultramon.

I am trying to enable span mode with a SiS mirage 3 gpu, and their drivers suck, so i am unable to enable span mode though their drivers. This is why i must try with ultramon!

thanks in advance!
Christian Studer   2011-06-06 07:54
UltraMon can't do this, the display driver would need to support this.

If you only need to span a specific application across both monitors, you could do this with UltraMon's Maximize to Desktop feature. This won't work with games though, and other fullscreen applications could be problematic as well.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> enabling span mode across dual monitors using windows xp

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