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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Scripting: launch a video on multi-screen
Marco Immordino   2011-06-06 20:10
I wanted to launch, via script, a single video on multiple screens.

I have 5 screens, and in order to do a public show, I intend to get one screen as my main, not visible,
and 4 others ones on a wall playing a video. It's a single video which is playing on the 4 screens at the same time.

Loosely, I want 4 these 4 screens to be like one.

(Forgive my English, it isn't my main language and I tried to be as clear as I can be :) )
Christian Studer   2011-06-07 08:15
Would you want to play a single video stretched across the 4 monitors, or an instance of the video on each of the 4 monitors?

Christian Studer -
Marco Immordino   2011-06-07 19:36
Yeah, just one video streched across the 4 monitors.
Christian Studer   2011-06-08 08:06
Can you stretch the video player window manually across the 4 monitors? If yes, you should be able to use UltraMon and a custom script to automate this.

Otherwise take a look at VLC, as far as I know it does have support for video playback on multiple monitors, I'm not sure though if it will work for your specific setup.

Christian Studer -
Marco Immordino   2011-06-08 21:11
No, strech across monitor don't work.
I looked at VLC, it seems that there is a way to achieve what i want to do indeed.
But, VLC create 4 windows and display a part of the movie on each ones, so i think it will be hard to coordinate these windows with script :/.
However thank you for your quick reply.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Scripting: launch a video on multi-screen

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