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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Migrating from two 20" monitors to one 32" monitor
Gray S.   2011-07-11 01:48
First off... I love Ultra Mon. It's been worth every penny I paid for it. I've recommended it many times.

I'm about to go from using two 20" LCD monitors, both set to portrait mode, to one 32" LCD monitor. It'll be just slightly more "screen real estate" than I have now, and the resolution will be only slightly less that what I have now.

Here's the rub... When I'm writing (90% of my work day), I have my word processor in one window and apps displaying source information in the the other. I like this arrangement. I have a hotkey configured to switch an app to the other monitor that I probably use 50x a day. However, if/when I switch to a single monitor, I will want hotkeys that will:

* Size current app to 1/2 (vertically) of screen size and put in left half;
* (same, but right half)
* Size current app to 1/3 (vertically) of screen size and put in left third of the screen;
* (same, but center third)
* (same, but right third)

I'd gladly pay the price of ultra mon, just to have hot keys that will let me move apps around and size them so easily.

Any suggestions?
Christian Studer   2011-07-11 09:46
There's no built-in support for this, but you could do this with the VMonMaximize/MoveWnd scripts. SplitView might also be worth a try.

Glad to hear you like UltraMon!

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Migrating from two 20" monitors to one 32" monitor

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