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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> new nvidia XP drivers,messed up?
Rod M   2002-02-08 17:58
i've been having a hell of a time with my new system,just getting it all to work properly,something is getting goofed up with nvidia's drivers...

i'm running XP Pro and i have an AGP gf2 "ti" as primary,and a PCI tnt2 m64 as secondary.alltho both cards boot and work properly in "2d" mode,i'm having real problems with getting d3d acceleration on the tnt2 M64,it passes the directdraw part of the dxdiag tests but always fails the d3d with a "failure to create 3d device" error.i've been trying anything you can think of,but been unsucessful.

so finally tonight since i was planning to reformat over the weekend anyway,i went into safe mode deleted anything i could find that was nvidia related,in my system folders and in my registry,then physically swapped the card to another PCI slot,booted it up and installed the drivers that came with both cards[W2K detonator 21.83's for both] and low and behold i got d3d on my secondary monitor,both cards passed all the tests and were working just fine...i was a happy camper except that i was now missing "Nview" and was getting an error on bootup about it[no biggie gonna reformat anyway...]

so then i decided to see if my reg hacking and cleaning was responsible or if it was the older drivers that worked it out,so off i go to win update to get the signed[and i guess since they're on win update somwhat "approved"] 23.12 drivers.i install em and.....failure to create 3d device...sigh...anybody else got these damn things working?

i know by this point that nothing short of doing what i did earlier tonight will fix this!i tried EVERYTHING before,i know i can reinstall the older drivers and it still won't work,i've tried it before!these newer drivers are totally pooching some setting somewhere in the reg i think,has anyone else seen this?or is it just me?i get no hardware d3d acceleration on my second monitor with these puppies and there's no way to fix it short of doing something drastic as far as i can tell....
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> new nvidia XP drivers,messed up?

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