nitmd 2011-08-08 13:39
When I connect to my dual monitor system over ultravnc, the wallpaper gets duplicated and squashed; on each monitor, I get 2 copies of the picture I use for my wallpaper, side by side. Is there any solution for this?
Christian Studer 2011-08-09 08:20
What happens if you go to UltraMon menu > Wallpaper, do you get prompted to adjust the wallpaper for the changed display configuration?
Please also let me know which version of UltraMon and Windows you're using.
Christian Studer -
nitmd 2011-08-12 12:30
Windows XP with all service packs/updates installed, UltraMon 3.0.10. When I open up the menu and go to wallpaper, it shows my monitors with the correct configuration; it's in stretch mode, in options, both are checked. Tried switching to center mode, which fixed the wallpaper, but as soon as I reconnect with vnc, I get the same problem (only slightly different in that the left side version of the duplicate wallpaper is shifted down a bit so I have some black appearing above it.) Unclicking the first option makes no difference.
nitmd 2011-08-12 13:12
I noticed there was an update so I updated to 3.1 Ultramon, so far the problem seems to have disappeared. I'll let you know if it reappears.
nitmd 2011-08-12 13:26
Not sure why, but now it's acting up again.
Christian Studer 2011-08-13 08:39
I have now tested with UltraMon 3.1.0 and UltraVNC on 32-bit Windows XP, but so far haven't seen the issue. Are you using the same version of UltraVNC?
Christian Studer -
nitmd 2011-09-12 14:13
Yes, using the same versions of both programs.
Christian Studer 2011-09-13 09:14
One thing you could check: when this happens, go to Control Panel > Display > Desktop Background, then check if UltraMon Wallpaper is still selected as your wallpaper, and if Position is still set to Tile.
Christian Studer -