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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Shortcuts not using Path key in registry properly
Kirt   2011-08-15 06:11
I have been using UltraMon for years without problems. However, I have run into one program that UltraMon shortcuts to that program do not work properly. The application is called DataWindow Designer 2.5 (dw110.exe). It is a Sybase design tool.

There is an App Paths registry entry for this application (as there are for many applications) that reads:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\DW110.exe]
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Sybase\\DataWindow Designer 2.5;C:\\Program Files\\Sybase\\DataWindow Designer 2.5\\Help;"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Sybase\\DataWindow Designer 2.5\\DW110.EXE"

My understanding is that the Path value found above should be prepended to the Path found in the system's environment variables. All the other shortcuts to my other apps do prepend the associated registry path to the system path as expected. But the shortcut for this one program REPLACES the system path with the registry path. This has the result of causing Oracle to not work with this application when launched from the shortcut because Oracle is no longer in the path.

Have you run across this before? Any idea how to get the UltraMon shortcut to work as expected?

Christian Studer   2011-08-15 10:10
I just did some testing myself, this is due to the semicolon at the end of the path value, changing Path to

C:\Program Files\Sybase\DataWindow Designer 2.5;C:\Program Files\Sybase\DataWindow Designer 2.5\Help

will fix the problem.

I'm not sure why exactly this difference in behavior occurs, my guess would be that Windows Explorer uses a different API function to launch the process, which handles this case differently (probably ShellExecuteEx instead of CreateProcess as used by UltraMon).

Christian Studer -
Kirt   2011-08-15 10:31
Yes that fixed it for me, too.

Thank you for the reply.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Shortcuts not using Path key in registry properly

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