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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Random Move Window Button on Desktop?
meandan   2011-08-15 19:08
Hi guys, i am using the free trial of Ultramon and am liking it so far, but there is a really annoying thing happening.

Right in the middle of the monitor is a floating move window button. When I hit it, it goes to my second monitor and vice versa.

Is it just some weird setting I accidentally enabled? It doesn't seem to do anything and there seems to be no way to remove it.

I would hate to have to stop using ultramon because of this, but it is very annoying and I can't overlook it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Christian Studer   2011-08-16 07:12
You could get this if an application creates a window which shouldn't be visible, but UltraMon thinks it's a regular application window.

Please run EnumWndBtns.exe and post the generated log here or send it to, this will show to what windows UltraMon has added buttons.

Christian Studer -
meandan   2011-08-16 08:46
Thanks for the response, here are the results:

The following windows have UltraMon window buttons:

Downloads (MozillaWindowClass) (hWnd = 0x00010348 visible = 1 minimized = 0 rc = 1092,500 - 1577,800 exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") inproc = 1 hWndBtn = 0x00020342 visible = 1 minimized = 0 rc = 1397,493 - 1474,530
Realtime Soft Forum - Mozilla Firefox (MozillaWindowClass) (hWnd = 0x00010330 visible = 1 minimized = 0 rc = -8,-8 - 1608,878 exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") inproc = 1 hWndBtn = 0x00010340 visible = 1 minimized = 0 rc = 1422,-9 - 1499,28
(FakeWnd92BD) (hWnd = 0x0001023A visible = 1 minimized = 0 rc = 736,611 - 868,739 exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Hotkey Utility\HotkeyUtility.exe") inproc = 1 hWndBtn = 0x00010262 visible = 1 minimized = 0 rc = 825,606 - 873,643
Christian Studer   2011-08-16 09:51
Thanks for the log, the problem is the Acer Hotkey Utility, another customer had the same issue.

To fix this, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure custom settings for the Acer Hotkey Utility, C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Hotkey Utility\HotkeyUtility.exe, and disable window buttons for the application.

Christian Studer -
meandan   2011-08-16 11:41
That worked! Thanks for the very quick help. I'm loving it now and will likely be sticking around. Great product.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Random Move Window Button on Desktop?

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