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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move monitor dialogue not consistent
Zom   2011-08-23 14:40
This might seem a bit trivial, but it is becoming a distraction I would rather not have to put up with.

I have 4 monitors in a three across (2-1-3) with the fourth (4) above the centre (1) arrangement. I have set up the display properties to have the desktop across all monitors with the monitor positions located as they are physically. All works well.

Because I dont always need the fourth monitor, I have set up hotkeys so that I can have 1 or 3 (2-1-3) or 4 (2-1-3-4) monitors active.

When I have all 4 monitors active the Move monitor dialogue looks like this which is as expected. However, when I have 3 monitors active the Move monitor dialogue looks like this which no longer represents the physical layout of the monitors. I would much rather it looked like this so that the dialogue is consistent regardless of whether the 4th monitor is active, or even this as a second choice.

I have tried playing with the display properties, but Windows (XPSP3) wont let me move the disabled monitor graphic to the right place and have it stay there.

Would it be possible for UltraMon to manipulate (generally) disabled monitor positions in the move monitor dialogue so that their displayed positions remain consistent with when they are active?
Christian Studer   2011-08-24 08:07
Thanks for the suggestion, will be considered for a future release. This would require manual configuration though as UltraMon can't determine the actual position of a monitor, only its position as part of the extended desktop.

You could hide the disabled monitor by ignoring it (UltraMon Options > Ignored Monitors), the only problem is that you then can't enable it without changing the ignore setting first.

Christian Studer -
Zom   2011-08-24 13:13
My thought was that the positions of monitors are correct (as per display properties) when they are all active, and could therefore be remembered by UltraMon for when they are not active.

I guess its a lot easier to say what than it is to say how :-)
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move monitor dialogue not consistent

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