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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Integration with Windows 7 Themes?
jyang   2011-09-03 10:33
Would it be possible to include this in a future version? What I mean is being able to manage wallpaper (and screensaver) options the way Ultramon normally does, but while using Windows 7 Themes.

Windows 7 Themes automatically changes the wallpaper every x minutes, but it doesn't let you fit the wallpaper for one screen and stretch it for another, or fit it to each screen separately (it fits, fills, stretches etc according to the proportions of the first screen, even if the first screen is 16:10 and the other is 4:3, e.g.).
Christian Studer   2011-09-04 02:20
A wallpaper changer will be considered for a future release, thanks for your suggestion. There is already some support for this via scripts, take a look at the ChangeWallpaper and UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer scripts.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Integration with Windows 7 Themes?

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