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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> "Maximized to desktop" set in shortcut but is not geting executed.
Tacies   2011-09-07 00:58

As said I have set "maximized to desktop" inside the "UltraMon - Window" settings of a GUI programm shortcut but it is not getting executed until I press a hotkey for maximizing the programm.

It worked for several months but suddenly its not working anymore.

I tried to set other shortcuts to "maximized to desktop" and it is working.
I also tried to create a new shortcut with the same setting but its not working.

I don't want to tell the customer that he has to press the hotkey every time he opens the programm.

Thank you!
Christian Studer   2011-09-07 07:46
Did the affected application get updated? That might explain why it's no longer working as before.

Christian Studer -
Tacies   2011-09-07 17:03

No the application is the same as before.
There are no automatic updates or something like that.
Christian Studer   2011-09-08 07:48
Not sure what else might cause this. If you can send me a copy of the application or a download link I'll be happy to give this a try on my system.

Christian Studer -
Tacies   2011-09-12 00:48

Its a GUI Programm named ZenOn 6.51
Unfortunately there is no download aviable right now.
Would it be helpful to send you the *.umshortcut file?
Christian Studer   2011-09-12 08:28
Unfortunately no, doesn't seem to be an issue with the shortcut.

One thing you could try: what happens if you change settings for the shortcut so that the application gets maximized on a specific monitor instead of across the desktop, does that work fine?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> "Maximized to desktop" set in shortcut but is not geting executed.

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