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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Relaunch app on multiple monitors at start-up
Paul N   2011-09-07 05:59
We have a CCTV Video system and computer with 4 monitors. Each monitor shows a different layout of cameras. Now we launch four instances of the video client then select the appropriate layout. Is there a way to automatically launch these apps to their respective monitors?
Christian Studer   2011-09-07 07:53
You might be able to do this with UltraMon, but you should test if this works with your specific application.

To set this up, create new shortcuts via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts or open properties for the existing shortcuts, then configure settings on the UltraMon - Window tab as desired.

Christian Studer -
Paul N   2011-09-08 05:15
Thanks. I will try that but I think I need multiple instances of my application. Each instance will default to a different camera layout.
Christian Studer   2011-09-08 07:59
In general this will work fine, but it depends on how the application implements multiple instances. I guess you pass the camera layout to the video client as a command line argument? If yes, just create 4 different shortcuts, one for each camera layout.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Relaunch app on multiple monitors at start-up

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