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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor Choice Issue
Jon Musk   2002-02-10 01:06
OK, I am in the position where I want to upgrade my monitors from 2 x 15". I have the choice of either getting 2 x 19" second hand monitors, or 2 x 17" brand new monitors. The problem is that I don't know what to go for as they are roughly the same price.

The plus points for the 19"-ers is that they are big (obviously) and that will be better for DVD's. Minus point is that they won't be identicle and they may be slightly blurd in places, and have no gurantees or warranties outstanding.

The plus points for the 17"-ers is that they are brand new, FST, have gurantees on (of course) and they are identicle. Minus point is that they are smaller and therefore not as good for DVD's.

PLEASE can someone advise me as to which is most likely to be best or just tell me which you think you'd have.
Tony   2002-02-10 05:02
How about 1 19" monitor, and 1 17" ?
or 1 brand new 19" in combination with one of your old 15" ?


-nobody rides for free-
Henry   2002-02-10 15:15
Personally, I would recommend getting two 17" since they will be identicle. Two monitors with different sizes or shape, etc can be very bothersome when moving windows across screens. I have two identical 19" and having identical monitors make my viewing more pleasant.
Scott   2002-02-11 13:50
If you really need a 19" for DVD, then there isn't much of a way to get around that.

Maybe one used 19" and a really good 17" as your primary monitor. Run them both on the same resolution and you won't notice the size difference as much.
Jon Musk   2002-02-18 20:16
Thanks for the advice. I have to confess that I decided to get neither in the end, and instead went for 2 brand new 19" monitors, I've never been so happy :) I reccomend them thougroughly. I got them on a special deal, and it came to a bit over £300 which for 2*high spec 19" monitors I think you'll all agree is very cheap. I think it was worth the extra money.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor Choice Issue

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