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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Win 7 Features
Mike   2011-09-22 08:01
I've been using Ultramon for a long time. However, we are well into the Win7 era with Win8 on the horizon and Ultramon still has little or no support for things like pinning, live preview, and mouseover program controls native to the Win7 taskbar.

Anyone know of addons or things that get these features? I've been waiting a long time for Ultramon to get over this hump and am wondering what will happen when Win 8 is out and Ultramon falls even further behind.
Christian Studer   2011-09-22 10:31
This has been put on hold for the moment as Windows 8 has a built-in multi-monitor taskbar, though it might still make sense to use the UltraMon taskbar instead as the built-in one is missing some features, for example toolbar support, at least in the current build of Windows 8.

Christian Studer -
Mike   2011-09-22 12:48
Nice.. you deleted my post that mentions competing products.
Mike   2011-09-22 12:58
To be fair, I simply linked to a Wikipedia article comparing this and similar products...
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Win 7 Features

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