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Nicholas 2011-09-28 21:48
I use the ClearActiveMon.vbs script, and it moves all the windows on the current monitor except minimised ones. I've looked at the code for wnd.GetAppWindows and wnd.GetAllWindows, and tried the latter as well, but this seems to do the same thing.
i.e. they only find windows that are windows. If I want to move all the apps on one monitor to another, including those that are currently minimised, how do I do so? I'd be happy to unminimise them first. If somebody could provide a modified script which did this, I'd be very appreciative.
Christian Studer 2011-09-29 10:18
There's no ideal way to do this, GetAppWindows does return minimized windows as well, but the script can't determine the monitor they're on and so doesn't move them.
It would be possible to restore minimized windows, get their position, then move them if they're on the active monitor, then minimize the window again. This should work fine, but all minimized windows will need to get restored, independent of the monitor they're on. Let me know if you would be interested in this.
Christian Studer -
Nicholas 2011-09-30 20:51
Sure,that would be great!
It's such a useful function, to just select the app I want to work on, and then press a key to move everything else off the screen to allow focus.
Christian Studer 2011-10-01 10:28
I have uploaded an updated version of the script which supports this, to enable the feature you'll need to set MOVE_MINIMIZED_WND on the first line of the script to True.
Christian Studer -
Nicholas 2011-10-03 18:30
Thanks, works a treat!
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