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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor SWIPEing? Possible?
Ray   2011-09-29 01:35
Any one know of a solution to accomplish this?

“Sliding” of Entire Desktop Displays? (all open windows) (Windows 7 system)

Intent is to allow side monitor displays, which are typically used for monitoring purposes (stocks, analytics, email, chat software, etc…), to be entirely SWIPED into Center primary display as needed. In essence rotating the display numbers on the fly, not just individual windows.

Original 3 Screen Display configuration
3 1 2

Instead of ‘tiring’ my neck all day, going left and right and holding it to do work, I want to rotate focus of all windows on screen 3 to primary center screen (All windows at once):

Right ‘SWIPE’ gesture leads now leads to:
2 3 1

Another Right SWIPE not to:
1 2 3

Left SWIPE now to:
2 3 1

I understand this can be done with individual windows, however, I would like to SWIPE Rotate entire monitor displays. Somewhat similar to desktop swiping on most smartphones. Is this possible? My neck could use the help! LOL

Warmest Regards,
Ray Wolff
ecarlson   2011-09-29 10:00
I could see how that would be useful. I'm not aware of a way to do that, but if you find a way, I'd be interested to know what the solution is.

Also, are all 3 monitors using the same resolution? I don't know if it would work so well for me since I use side monitors that are lower res than the middle monitor.

- Eric
Christian Studer   2011-09-29 10:36
It would be possible to do this with UltraMon 3.1.0 and a custom script, you could then use a hotkey to move all applications to the next monitor. Let me know if you would be interested in this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor SWIPEing? Possible?

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