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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Parhelia 256 : can do 2+1 clone but no stretch on 3 screens ?
Philgib   2011-10-05 10:01
Hello guys,

I am having a headachewith the parhelia.
I have got 2 17 inches 4:3 screens and 1 19 inches wide screen.

I am able to strech on 2 screens, but not on 3 screens.

When I ask for a tretch to 3, I always stretch to 2 + 1 clone, i.e "aab" or "bbc" and some nomansland area, like a 4th screen, hidden.

So I am not able to have "abc"

That is annoying ! Any idea why ? Is that because all 3 screens should be identical ? I dou bt it because I can have one 17 inches screen as "a" and 17 inches + 19 inches as clone.

Thank you

ecarlson   2011-10-06 14:33
Are you running all 3 monitors Analog (VGA) at 1280 x 1024? That is listed on their web site as the max configuration for 3 monitors for that card.

Do all 3 work together in regular extended desktop mode, instead of span mode?

- Eric
philgib   2011-10-09 23:12
Thank you for your answer.

Can you please explain further :
"regular extended desktop mode, instead of span mode"

ecarlson   2011-10-13 00:41
Span mode is a special mode where the video card/driver fools Windows into seeing one large monitor from all your monitors.

Regular Extended Desktop mode is where Windows sees each monitor individually, and can handle extending the desktop onto the other monitors itself.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Parhelia 256 : can do 2+1 clone but no stretch on 3 screens ?

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