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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3rd Monitor Not Working (Quad Monitors)
Dixy   2011-10-05 19:18

I had a look through the other topics but couldn't find a problem similar to mine.

I'm running a GTX 560ti (PCI-E x16) and an 8400GS (PCI-E x1) to enable me to have a quad monitor set up. How ever, the 3rd monitor doesn't activate. It's detected by windows and the Nvidia control panel. I've tried swapping the monitors round and they all work, but its the third one (1st output on second graphics card) that doesn't work. The 8400GS works fine on its own, both monitors activate, but when its with the GTX 560, the third monitor doesn't detect a signal.

Any ideas?
ecarlson   2011-10-06 14:40
Can you try the 8400GS in another slot? Also, I've seen some posts here about adjusting some registry settings for certain situations, but I don't remember if any were relevant to this issue.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3rd Monitor Not Working (Quad Monitors)

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