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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Wall - 6+ Monitors
david charles   2011-10-06 03:49
So I have video running on 6 monitors right now and need to go to 8 or 12.

Not sure which app is best or playing video and how Ultramon helps exactly.

If I use UM to span the monitors by setting up in the properties window, will UM use accelerated video codecs built into windows 7 like EVR ?

I have had some luck with ZoomMax but i get stutters when at full screen with no window or controls. But when i make it full screen but with a normal window and controls at bottom, it actually plays at full 29.97 fps.

Any help is appreciated.
Christian Studer   2011-10-06 08:37
UltraMon can be used to stretch a window across all monitors, but apart from that has no special support for playing videos.

This works fine for me on Windows 7 with Windows Media Player in fullscreen mode, I'm not sure though what codec it uses. My guess would be you'll be fine with EVR, as far as I know it uses 3D graphics and will probably support running across multiple monitors. What won't work are codecs which use video overlays, you can't stretch those across monitors.

Regarding video players: VLC might be worth a try.

Christian Studer -
Kevin   2011-10-29 09:50
If you have Windows 7, use Windows Magnifier to zoom the whole desktop
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Wall - 6+ Monitors

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