bnbazuin 2011-10-10 20:34
I'm using a laptop with a pretty small screen, usually connected to a FullHD monitor which I then run as the main screen (with the laptop screen next to it).
I'd love to see an option to enable the auto hide of the taskbar when only one monitor/taskbar is active, but disable this when the Ultramon taskbar is running as well.
Btw, is there any ETA on better Windows 7 taskbar support?
<3 ultramon
Christian Studer 2011-10-11 09:50
It's probably not something I would want to add in UltraMon, but if you're interested I could upload a little application which changes the autohide state of the main taskbar, you could then use batch files to apply a display profile and change the main taskbar's autohide state.
I can't tell you anything yet regarding new taskbar features, haven't looked into this yet.
Christian Studer -
bnbazuin 2011-12-25 03:24
Hi Christian,
Thanks for the reply. It's been a while... but today I remembered posting this question. Could you please share the batch file you were talking about? It will does just what I'm looking for :)
Christian Studer 2011-12-25 10:18
I have uploaded an application which sets the taskbar state (always on top and autohide), TaskbarState.exe. Run the application without command line arguments for usage instructions.
Are you currently using a display profile to switch between single and dual monitor configurations, or do you just dock/undock the laptop?
Christian Studer -