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SC 2011-10-18 10:23
Hi! Love UltraMon, well worth the money! But I wanted to give you a suggestion. I'm not sure if anyone else has thought of it already, but here goes:
In the wallpaper dialog, the Style combo box has four choices. Center, Stretch, Stretch Proportional, and Tile. However, if you have an image that doesn't fit the aspect ratio of your monitor(s), there are disadvantages to the existing options. Center may cut off a lot of the image on all sides. Stretch leads to distortion. Stretch Proportional leads to horizontal or vertical strips of the background being visible on either side of the image.
Allow me to put forth a fourth option. Unfortunately, I do not have a name for it. But here is how it works: it resizes the image like Stretch Proportional, but only enough to get one of the two dimensions to fit into the screen size. The edges of the other dimension are clipped off. This results in no background visible, no proportion distortion, and clipping of only one of the two dimensions.
Thanks, keep up the good work!
Christian Studer 2011-10-19 08:06
Thanks for your suggestion, will be considered for a future release. Glad to hear you like UltraMon!
Christian Studer -
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