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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Start all new windows on second monitor
dingausmwald   2011-10-18 13:26
First of all, i love this program. Since i got a new tv the windows functions are not enough. But i got a problem: Since i want to run a mediacenter on my big screen and play games on it and stuff i've set it up to be the primary monitor (most games dont launch on second monitor, and when i close my laptop it turns off the screen and second(bigger one) becomes first and everything is messed up after opening notebook again). Fine so far. The laptopmonitor is second anyway, for chat and stuff. But everytime i open a window, start an installation or smth like that it opens on the main monitor (big one) where i can hardly read and work with. How can i set up that every window starts on second monitor (i know i can set up most shortcuts to open on second monitor, but not the installations, the setup windows, my device manager,...).

and a last thing: i can move my taskbar from first to second monitorper drag and drop, no problem. But if i close my laptop the taskbar moves back to first, okay. But if i open again it doesnt switch back anymore. A force second monitor would be cool.

All in all, a function like "desktop to second monitor" would be great. So the primary monitor is still the big one, but the desktop, taskbar, windows etc start on second except a view like games and mediacenter.

Hope you understood my problem. And thanks for reading.
Christian Studer   2011-10-19 08:15
Couldn't you just use the internal monitor as primary normally, and only set the TV as primary when you want to run Media Center or a game?

If that's not an option, take a look at the PositionAllApps and MoveWinTbar scripts, let me know if you have any questions about using the scripts.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Start all new windows on second monitor

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