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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Outputs - 1 Screen as control and other 2 treated as 1 spanned monitor
Chris   2011-10-20 04:55
Hey Everyone,

Was looking for a solution to a problem I have been having and came across this software wondering if it could provide the solution. I have 2 video cards, 1 running the primary display and the other outputting to 2 projectors. I'm using VPT(Virtual Projection Tools) but when I go fullscreen it will only project onto projector #1, I have it set up in windows display settings to extend all the displays, but what I think I really need is for displays 2 and 3 (projectors 1 and 2) to be treated as one spanned display so when I go full screen it will span over both projectors.

Is this possible with this software? Or are there other solutions out there.

Christian Studer   2011-10-20 08:17
You could try if you can stretch the VPT fullscreen window across both projectors using the Maximize2Mon script for UltraMon.

Another solution would be to use the span mode of the video card if available, for this to work both projectors would need to be connected to the same video card.

Christian Studer -
Chris   2011-10-21 01:02
Hey Christian,

Thanks for your response. I do have the 2 projectors hooked up to the same videocard, a EVGA nVidia GTX 570. I can't seem to find any information if span mode is supported on the card, and i've found most posts say span mode isn't supported on windows 7. I might try running Windows XP, but it sounds like the 2monitor script may be a solution. Will be trying this today.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Outputs - 1 Screen as control and other 2 treated as 1 spanned monitor

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