Sebastian 2011-10-20 08:30
Hy Support.
I tried today several times to install Ultramon on my computer but everytime after installation/ start of the system i recieve an errormessage:
UltraMon encountered a fatal error and will exit.
More information:
Version: 3.1.0 OS: 6.0.6000 x64 Quellcodedatei: .\ButtonRendererVistaComposited.cpp Zeile: 91 Rückgabewert: 0 Letzter Fehler: 1814
Thanks in advance for the help. Kind regards, Sebastian
Sebastian 2011-10-20 08:47
I´m sorry for posting again, i found the mistake: My system set Ultramon automaticly to compatibilitymode for Windows Vista... I deactivated the option and now it works.
Maybe this is a bug?
Regards, Sebastian
Christian Studer 2011-10-20 22:28
Unfortunately I don't know why UltraMon is configured to run in Vista compatibility mode on some systems, also never had this happen myself.
Christian Studer -
Thief2 2012-02-13 19:19
I had exactly the same issue and the compatibility was set to Vista also!
Rest this and it works fine.
Keep up the good work!