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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Mouses, Two Active Windows, One Computer?
UltraMouse?   2011-10-24 07:55
I was wondering why there doesn't seem to be any real way to use multiple mice on computers aside from connecting two and having one cursor.

What I want is two cursors and two active windows, perhaps it isn't possible due to Operating System limitations. I realize that microsoft developed something similar for schools/etc but I think it was highly limited software.

Regardless perhaps you guys could make an ultramouse program that would allow this concept to be put into practice? :3
Christian Studer   2011-10-24 10:36
I don't think that's possible, at least not via a regular application like UltraMon. Windows only supports having a single active application at a time.

Christian Studer -
UltraMouse?   2011-10-24 11:40
Yeah thats what I wondered, how many things would it take to make such a thing work lol XD

Well it was just a suggestion :3 thought you might look into it at least :p
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Mouses, Two Active Windows, One Computer?

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