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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Start-up monitor
Hans L   2011-10-28 03:16
I have installed two new monitors (22" and 24") replacing two of my 17" monitors. I have on 17" monitor left. Thus, three monitors today (as before).

The start-up used to be on my now only 17" monitor. Now, however, "BIOS start-up" is on the 24" monitor, as well as the beginning of the Windows 7 Ultima start-up. Then, the remaining Windows start-up is on the 17" monitor. Weird, and I have no idea why.

Is there any way, with UltraMon, to get the whole start-up process to be on one monitor?


hans L
Christian Studer   2011-10-28 08:36
Sounds like the BIOS primary monitor is different from the primary in Windows.

UltraMon can't help with this, you could either try changing the BIOS primary monitor via BIOS setup, or just connect the 17" to the video card port the 24" is currently connected to.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2011-10-30 11:06
I think I'll try to change via BIOS.


Hans L
Hans L   2011-10-31 07:08
Did not find any primary monitor in BIOS.

Hans L
Christian Studer   2011-10-31 11:16
It's possible that there is no such option, but for a sample screenshot of a primary monitor BIOS setting see Installing an additional video card (at the bottom of the page).

Christian Studer -
JC   2011-11-26 21:05
I had the same issue, the bios uses port 1 on the video card and Windows uses whatever you have set as the primary.

If you want the 17" to be the primary for the BIOS you need to plug it into the one the 24" is using. If you want the 24" to be the primary, leave all the cables as is and set it is as the primary in Windows.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Start-up monitor

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