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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> primary screen flickering
harrise   2011-11-08 01:05

Basically I have an app the loads another app then moves it to the other screen.

For some reason the primary screen flickers when the when moving the executed app to the other screen.

I am using code to do this.
I am basically executing a script that just contains information which has been created in
filemaker pro.

Any suggestion?

harrise   2011-11-08 01:31
I have a typo error above.

I mean I have an app that loads another app...
Christian Studer   2011-11-08 09:13
I guess the app opens on the primary monitor, then gets moved to a different monitor via UltraMon? If this happens quickly my guess would be that's what causes the flickering.

Christian Studer -
harrise   2011-11-08 18:39
This is correct.
harrise   2011-11-09 01:48
i manage to put a workaround on this by applying
a 200 millisecond before calling
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> primary screen flickering

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