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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> windows7-like features in smart taskbar?
Pedro   2011-11-10 08:19
I've been a happy user of ultramon for quite a while but this is changing due to the lack of updates (last update was about a year ago) and options.

I'm starting to consider different alternatives to ultramon, but before I do so I would like to know if there is any update with new functionality, including windows7 taskbar features (e.g., shake, jump lists, etc), coming out anytime soon?. Other software like "actual multiple monitors" have all these features and are actually cheaper than ultramon. Besides they get more frequent updates.

Christian Studer   2011-11-10 08:38
I'm not sure yet, this has been put on hold a bit due to Windows 8 having a built-in multi-monitor taskbar (at least in the current developer preview).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> windows7-like features in smart taskbar?

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