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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pls help, want 2 monitors for extended desktop and 3rd for play games or movies
nick green   2011-11-15 15:47

really hope someone can help me,i have setup extended desktop on 2 monitors but its extended to tv too, how can i have 2 via extended desktop at normal resolution ( cos every things huge at the moment ) and maybe tv at its own res or somehow switch desktop over to main tv when wanna watch a movie or play game .doesn't matter if 2 pc monitors go off,
as long as i can switch back with ease please

not 100% computer literate so help would be great right now.

massive thanks
Christian Studer   2011-11-16 08:30
Which version of Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
fire77   2011-12-27 09:28
set everything up the way you want it


right click on your ultramon icon in your tray
select display profile, new display profile
name and save it

then make a shrotcut

from now on anytime windows changes anything click on the short cut and it resets to your saved profile

hope this helps

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pls help, want 2 monitors for extended desktop and 3rd for play games or movies

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