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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ASUS HD6670 EAH6670/DI/1GD3 + multiple monitors
Hans L   2011-11-25 02:46

Would anyone possibly know if UltraMon can make graphics card ASUS HD6670 EAH6670/DI/1GD3 work with tree monitors (I have the monitor combination of VGA, DVI and HDMI ports, which are the ports this car has)?

Thank you!

Hans L
ecarlson   2011-11-25 04:57
The card and drivers would have to support 3 monitors (I don't know if that one does or not). UltraMon wouldn't have any affect on how many monitors it supports.

- Eric
Hans L   2011-11-25 13:46
Okay, understood.

Card ASUS HD6670 EAH6670/DIS/1GD5 uses (like a few other ASUS cards) the Eyefinity technology (requiring a DisplayPort) for multi-monitoring. It requires the same resolution for each monitor. Can UltraMon handle that card and allow different resolutions (if you or anyone knows)?


Hans L
Christian Studer   2011-11-26 08:31
This is handled by the display driver and can't be changed by UltraMon, but I thought Eyefinity did support using different resolutions, not sure about this though.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2011-11-27 01:28
Thanks, Christian. I will check the Eyefinity properties.


Hans L
Hans L   2011-11-27 02:28
Here is what I found:

Can I support different resolutions?

All monitors running in a Display Group or cloned modes must be running with the same resolution. If monitors have different native resolutions, the highest common non-native resolution between the monitors will be used when creating Display Groups. Monitors running in extended desktop mode can have independent resolutions.


Guess "Monitors running in extended desktop mode can have independent resolutions." settles my concern.

Hans L
ecarlson   2011-11-27 05:29
Does your card have the necessary DisplayPort output for the 3rd monitor?

If the card does, but none of your monitors have a DisplayPort input, then you might need an Active DisplayPort to DVI/HDMI adapter for the 3rd monitor.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ASUS HD6670 EAH6670/DI/1GD3 + multiple monitors

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