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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox Parhelia (4 monitors/ WS2003) and mysterious icon refresh enigma
Mario   2011-12-02 00:28
Somehow, I’m certain, knowing Christian’s forum is filled with so many MM users, surely someone already experienced what I’m having right now.

Yesterday, I’ve added another Parhelia PCI to my present Parhelia PCIe and I discovered something, that I think was even before, but in somewhat less pronounced behavior. Previous card was G550 PCIe.

Whenever Aida64 (replacement of Everest) is active, and sensor is refreshing - every 30 seconds or so - also, my desktop icons get refreshed as well! As if I’m hitting F5 on my desktop!

I’ve tried with "stability" section of Aida, with every option, but, sadly this brought no change. There is nothing like Aida's OSD info and I can’t and wont use any other software. Just for sake of curiosity, I’ve tried with the older Everest version, and I have confirmed the very same refresh problem. I know that this was obviously not always present, because I remember months without these burden. But, I just can’t rationalize how to deal with this?

I’ve pushed Icon’s cache to maximum (4096) hoping this would remedy such state. And, things are a bit better, because refreshing interval is later the before, but still… not resolved.

If I turn Aida Off, I have no such problems. If someone had something similar and already discovered solution - I would be most grateful to read your findings.

Mario   2011-12-16 06:59
Well, I’ve decided to change my present wallpapers (one background for all monitors), so I opened a new profile, not to upset my old setup, should I want to revert at later date. Once I’ve changed my wallpapers, guess what? No problems with refresh!

AIDA64 OSD is now resting again, and refresh desktop/icons headache is no more!

I like the outcome, but I would love to understand true relation to this. Any ideas Christian?

Anyway, just thought to let you know about my solution.
Christian Studer   2011-12-16 07:18
Not sure what might have caused this, UltraMon will set a bitmap (.bmp file) as the wallpaper, maybe you were using something else previously (JPEG, HTML file)?

Christian Studer -
Mario   2011-12-19 11:20
Hello Christian and thanks for your comment.

Well, now that you mention wallpaper formats, to be honest, after Win9x, I’ve no longer cared about bmp prerequisite. Yes, pictures used are indeed JPEG files. In fact, while reading your post, I’ve decided (for sake of test) to put 4 different pictures on each monitor and again - all JPEGs. No problems and no refresh issues like described before. I consider this sorted, but just wanted to hear your thinking about this.

Before I’ve triggered this refresh episode, I’ve never changed wallpapers on my WS2003, and the same followed a few GPU upgrades - but always from Matrox.

Could you please explain, are you saying that Ultramon will set a bitmap just for "one background" wallpaper, or for individual "walls" as well? I’m asking this, while trying to understand relation to your mention of JPEG files as potential problem.


also, allow me to wish you all the best in 2011, while the same goes for your future Ultramon versions as well.
Christian Studer   2011-12-20 08:21
If you configure the wallpaper via UltraMon, a single .bmp file will get created from the images you assigned to each monitor, then that .bmp file gets set as the wallpaper.

Happy holidays and all the best for the new year to you too,

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox Parhelia (4 monitors/ WS2003) and mysterious icon refresh enigma

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