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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Making an Application Open on Specific Monitor
CharlieMC   2011-12-07 07:53
I have an application that always wants to Default to my Secondary monitor (I use two).

When I move this application over to the Primary monitor, all the related popups for the software display on the Secondary monitor!

Needless to say, this is both inconvenient and confusing (often I don't even think to look on the second screen and I tend to think my application isn't working).

Is there any way to fix this? I'm using my Secondary monitor to Remote Desktop to work, and I frankly don't want anything else over there...



Christian Studer   2011-12-07 08:52
A couple of things you could try:

- if the popups are windows (not menus), try moving them to the primary as well, then close them there. Most applications will save window positions, and will open the window on the same monitor the next time

- if that doesn't work, you could give the PositionApp script for UltraMon a try, this may or may not work though depending on the type of popup windows

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2011-12-08 08:44
Did you try disabling the secondary monitor, then opening and closing the app (on the primary monitor), then re-enabling the secondary monitor, then see if the app opens on the primary now?

If that doesn't work, you might try the same again with a reboot right after each monitor disable/enable step.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Making an Application Open on Specific Monitor

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