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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help with 2 monitores Setup
Joao Victor   2011-12-10 07:21
Hello guys, i Have a TV and a Monitor...
Tv: 22"
Monitor: 20"
A GTS450 Graphics Card...
The both monitor are plugged on DVI ports....(tv with adapter vga>dvi) well... I configurated. but the middle image (a wallpaper for example) is cut... how i solve it? Example: the word: Nvidia, Nvi (1 monitor) ia(2 monitor)... where is the D? yes, he´s cut.
And other thing... i want to play games with both monitors but i don´t know how i do it...
Can you help me? I´m only testing... because if it work, i will buy other 2 monitors like the mine. :D

Please, help me as fast as you can....
Christian Studer   2011-12-10 07:50
Are you using different resolutions for the two monitors, or are the monitors not aligned properly? In that case some parts of the wallpaper may not be visible.

Regarding games: you could either use the span mode of the video card if available, this way the game will see a single wide monitor, or you could run the game in windowed mode if supported, then stretch it across both monitors.

Christian Studer -
Joao Victor   2011-12-10 08:01
Im playing GTA IV with this resolution hahaha 3200x720 :D
A LOOOOT of lag...
I will solve it later..
But a question: if i want to play these games in full screen mode, what should i do?

The Monitors are on the same resolution... 1600x900, the 22" is with a black "stripe" under the Desktop... (because the resolution is differente... its better.... The monitors are aligned...
Christian Studer   2011-12-11 08:26
Display Properties shows both monitors using the same resolution, and the two monitors are aligned at the top? In that case I'm not sure what would cause the issue with the wallpaper only being partially visible.

To run a game in fullscreen mode across both monitors the video card would need to support span mode, if supported you can select this via the software for the video card.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help with 2 monitores Setup

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