ltwally 2011-12-22 12:30
Feature Request:
It'd be super if Ultramon had the option to have the mouse follow an application to monitor xyz when using the Move Windows button/command.
BETTER Feature Request:
It'd be even better if there was actually a separate button and command entry for Move + Mouse Follow... because some times you use that Move button to get an app (like burning a disc) out of the way and have no need for the mouse to follow, and other times you do want the mouse to follow so that you can keep working in that app.
The move button is actually my favourite feature of Ultramon, and I'd love to see it improved.
I think this sort of thing will become especially important for continued sales of Ultramon, given the increased multi-monitor support on Win8.
Christian Studer 2011-12-23 06:19
Thanks for your suggestion, will be considered for a future release.
It would already be possible to do this via hotkey and custom script, if you're interested in this let me know.
Christian Studer -
G.J. Premo 2012-08-15 10:19
I'd like the mouse to appear in the application when that application is activated (brought in focus) by clicking it on the task bar. So if a custom script can to that, I am interested on how that might be done.
Christian Studer 2012-08-16 06:39
That should be possible, but the script would need to be running constantly in the background, monitoring activation changes. You'll also need UltraMon 3.1.0 or later for this.
If that's not a problem for you let me know and I'll get started on the script.
Christian Studer -
G.J. Premo 2012-08-24 05:01
Version number is not a problem, so please send script.
Christian Studer 2012-08-24 08:53
I have uploaded a script which does this: MoveMouseToActiveApp
Christian Studer -