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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Startin games on secondary Screen
Rodnof   2011-12-26 01:45
im currently running the trial version of Ultramon and am thinking about purchasing it.
However theres on problem id like to fix and dont know if its possible with ultramon.

Im having a 27" and a 20" Screen. Thing is that i dont feel comfortable playing rts games (in particular Starcraft2) on the big one.
However id like to have the bigProblem is that the game will always start running on the primary screen, so im basically forced to keep the smaller one as primary.
one as my primary monitor.
Since im too lazy to switch everytime i wanna play i was wondering if theres a way to force the games to start on the secondary screen.
Looking forward to your answers,
Christian Studer   2011-12-26 06:45
This might be possible if you can run the game in windowed mode, but I would recommend using UltraMon to switch the primary monitor when you launch the game.

To set this up, right-click the application's shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Display tab and change the primary monitor there. When you launch the shortcut, UltraMon will then change the primary monitor, launch the game, and restore the original primary monitor when the game exits.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Startin games on secondary Screen

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