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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> lost touchscreen on dual monitor
ralph-ee   2012-01-08 09:17
I've got a wacom cintiq pen lcd monitor, plus an HP 2105TM touchscreen lcd running on Windows XP SP3 with an ATI Radeon dual graphics card ranning Catalyst driver version 10.2 I had them both working and didn't change anything that I know of. However, the finger touchscreen function of the HP 2105TM just stopped working.

Any ideas?
Christian Studer   2012-01-09 09:10
I would check which monitor is the primary, maybe the HP needs to be primary in order for the touch input to work.

Christian Studer -
ralph-ee   2012-01-10 15:35
I tried that, swapped primary and secondary. It didn't make a difference. But thanks for the suggestion.
ralph-ee   2012-01-11 02:07
Yes, you're right. Just found an HP advisory Document ID: c02062772 which says that their Windows XP - all versions - driver can only support touch on the primary display. But that is my configuration so I'm at a loss.

Hmm... I did disconnect the monitor to watch a movie, which temporarily made my other monitor the primary. But since I've got both monitors working now, I've confirmed that the HP touchscreen is the primary monitor.

Could there be some setting in the registry which inteferes with the proper setting for this monitor?
Christian Studer   2012-01-11 07:15
Not sure if this matters, but you could check if the touchscreen is also monitor #1 in addition to being the primary monitor, depending on the application this could make a difference.

Christian Studer -
ralph-ee   2012-01-12 08:02
Found a solution. Posting here in case anyone else has the same issue. The monitor was #1 and primary, but somehow this setting was corrupted in XP - I'm guessing the registry. The solution was to do a reboot with the seconary monitor off. I'm guessing this forced a re-evaluation by the driver and/or XP so that the first monitor was re-established as the first monitor. Working fine now.

Thanks for your helpful ideas.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> lost touchscreen on dual monitor

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