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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce2 MX400 & Voodoo3 2000 under Win XP
Dave   2002-02-14 00:13
I've got a Geforce 2 MX400 AGP as primary (in bios also) and a Voodoo 3 2000 PCI as Secondary under Win XP. The GF2 is connected to my main monitor, and the V3 is connected to an older 20 inch monitor I use to view DVD's and DivX's on.

Both cards work fine together, but I can't seem to get the 3DFX tools to work under XP with the Voodoo card conected as a secondary.

Has anyone managed to get desktop gama controls and video overlay controls working on the V3 under Win XP with it conected as a secondary card?
Dave   2002-02-14 23:27
OK, i've found that I can get the 3DFX tools to work by setting the bios to boot from PCI.
So now the gamma controls work, but Video Overlay is still greyed out.

One more bug to iron out, and i'll be a happy man.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce2 MX400 & Voodoo3 2000 under Win XP

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