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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> URGENT: 15 monitors Setup on Gigabyte Mother Board
Ajay   2012-01-24 11:30
Hi there,

I am trying to get 15 monitors working on my system.

I have a gigabyte GA990fxaud5 motherboard with amd fx 8150, 8 core CPU and 16 gb dual channel Kingston ram.

I also have 4x firepro 2450 video cards

3 of x16 here:

and 1 of x1 here:

I am running windows 7 pro 64 bit

I have 2 of the x16 cards installed and its working fine and it takes me to a black screen that says "loading operating system" and then everything else goes smooth and takes me to the windows os. When I run the system with these 2 video cards everything runs perfectly and I can get 8 outputs.

The problem is, when I put the third card in the system, the system boots, gets passed the bios (where I can press esc to access bios) but then it takes me to a black screen with no further activity.

It's when I place the third card in, is when this black screen occurs without having any message.

Maybe the systems confused with this third card. Maybe it's something in windows 7 settings. Or maybe bios.

I have installed this exact firepro driver:

I researched like a mad man, but can't find a solution ... Can you please give me some options and some steps I can take. Surely you would have encountered similar issues in the past with ur customers .
Oh and btw, I have purchased ultramon 64 bit and it's installed on my os...

I am sure it's a windows 7 pro 64 bit hack/change we have to do, a bios thing and/or a driver thing.

Do I need to have SLI or CrossFire to run multiple video cards? How do i do that for these video cards I have?
What are the settings in the BIOS that will enable these 4 video cards.

The expansion slots on the mb are compatible with the 4 cards and it does have enough grunt to handle these cards, but it's now getting all 4 cards to operate together on the os.

Please help me. I don't know how to get the third and fourth card working .

I wait patiently for your help options and steps that I can try.

Hopefully u know what's up and can give me some options and steps to follow just by reading this email. As soon as you do I will follow them exactly and hopefully it will be resolved without needing to call...

I await your expertise :)
ecarlson   2012-01-26 07:48
Which BIOS version do you have loaded on the motherboard?

And, no, you don't need SLI or CrossFire for what you are trying to do.

- Eric
ecarlson   2012-01-26 07:51
Also, why didn't you get all x16 cards? That motherboard has 5 full-length slots, so there is no need to get any X1 cards.

- Eric
Gregg   2012-02-13 07:43
When you say you have the PCIe slots all X16, that is just plain wrong.
"Expansion Slots: 2 x PCI Express x16 slot running at x16 ,1 x PCI Express x16 slot running at x8 ,2x PCI Express x4 slots" on the Gigabyte GA990fxaud5 MB

Perhaps that is the problem--you have the third X16 card in an X8 slot. Might not work very well. I found this by reading a description of the MB. You might verify that by getting info from your pamphlet came with the MB or Gigabyte.

Gregg   2012-02-13 08:10 has details on using a PCIe X16 card in a X8 slot.
I think you could try that (not advised but quick) or get X8 and X4 cards to go into the MB's X8 and X4 slots. And, be sure you label the cards and corresponding cards. No sense in taking them out later and getting them switched around.
You could always go for a higher end card that has multiple outs (DVI and HDMI and Displayport) where you would be using only the two X16 slots. That would be like an ATI Radeon 7900 or higher one.
Another issue would be the power supply. You must check you have enough amps per 12V rail and the extra connectors for the video card fans. Even though you might think a 750 or higher wattage PSU would be enough, putting 3 or 4 video cards in, lots of RAM and HDs, and boom--you are out of juice!

Using computers since 1962.
Gregg   2012-02-13 08:23 has a Gigabyte 32GB Ram MB with 3 PCIe x16 and 2 PCIe x1 slots for GPUs for $130 plus tax and shipping.
Don't know if it supports your 8 core processor.
There are also some boards with 4 PCIe x16 slots.

Using computers since 1962.
ecarlson   2012-02-19 05:59
According to the Gigabyte web site (and obvious in the photos), the board has 5 full length PCIe slots, as follows:

2 x PCI Express x16 slots, running at x16
1 x PCI Express x16 slots, running at x8
2 x PCI Express x16 slots, running at x4

So it should be able to use 5 PCIe X16 cards. It doesn't matter that some of the slots will run at X8 and some will run at X4: As long as the card fits (or can be made to fit), it should run.

And, while it's not relevant here, since the slots are already full-length, you can always make a card work in a smaller slot by either notching the back of the slot, using an adapter, or cutting off the extra pins on the card (You can see my web site where I documented that last option, and I also have links to the first 2 options). In some cases, you will have to add a jumper to the slots to make them work correctly, as referenced on my web site, but I didn't have that issue.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> URGENT: 15 monitors Setup on Gigabyte Mother Board

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