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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 7500 vs Asus V7100 Geforce 2MX Twinview
Lanlan   2002-02-14 10:27
Hi People,

Anyone suggest which is a better card? It's mostly for web design but I don't mind playing some OpenGL games (Counterstrike) once in a while.
Lanlan   2002-02-14 11:11
or what other multiple monitor card would you recommend?
Hakkatuka   2002-03-01 09:17
Radeon7500 is a much better choice. It's about twice as fast as gf2mx and has a very good image quality.
Lanlan   2002-03-04 11:49
Here's the deal:

I actually went out and bought the Asus v7100 Geforce 2 card. Brought it home and was decently happy. Then the Radeon 7500 dropped about 50 bucks a couple days later. So the next thing I did, was repackage the geforce 2 (Asus 2v1d) and exchanged it for the Radeon 7500.

I have to admit, 2D was much better. Now, thinking it had double the ram (DDR even), I thought this card would kick ass in opengl games.
YUCK! is the word to describe this card in gaming. I was getting 12-20fps in CounterStrike compared to the +60fps I was getting with the Geforce2. (Damn, even my 16meg TNT card does 30fps not overclocked..hahaha).

Well, I returned the Radeon 7500 (and will prolly stay away from ATI with that experience).

I did not pick up the geforce2, I've decided to sit back a couple more weeks and wait for the Geforce4 cards.
warplink   2002-03-04 12:33
man... don't be in such a rush to return things. Some versions of ATI drivers have problems with opengl games like counter-strike. I installed a previous version driver and it worked fine. I think ATI realizes the problem and will probably come out with a real fix soon.
Lanlan   2002-03-07 00:24
So you run a Radeon 7500 and can play counterstrike with high fps? What frame rate are you getting in CS?! I'm just curious. I still have no vid card so I'm just wondering my options. If what you say is true, maybe I'll stick with the 7500. 2d was awesome, was the gaming performance the pissed me off. :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 7500 vs Asus V7100 Geforce 2MX Twinview

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