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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart taskbar in hybrid standard/mirror mode
Adam   2012-04-09 10:37
We are looking for a solution that is a hybrid between Ultramons standard/mirror mode. Ideally the main monitor should display all tasks open and the ultramon taskbar should only display those on the selected monitor.

At present when we choose "Mirror" mode our windows keyboard shortcuts stop working (Windows+1 should open outlook but when outlook is on the second monitor it starts a new instance)

Likewise we would also like to manage open windows using the grouping function on the main window. But we would like to manage open windows on other monitors using the taskbar.

Unfortunately the "Mirror" mode means a lot of unused icons are displayed on the secondary display (icons that are only used on the primary display).

I guess we are looking for a solution that displays all open windows in the primary taskbar and secondary taskbars display icons *only* from the secondary screen.

Is there an option / solution for this?
Christian Studer   2012-04-10 08:53
Currently that's not possible, will be considered for a future release.

I'm seeing the issue with Outlook as well (version 2010 on Windows 7), as a workaround it would be possible to use a script to launch Outlook, the script would only start Outlook if it isn't running already. Let me know if you would be interested in this.

Christian Studer -
Adam   2012-04-10 16:19
Thanks for your prompt response Christian,

Unfortunately outlook was just 1 example (which can easily be replicated). It also occurs with Chrome, our development IDE, etc.

If/when you add a hybrid feature I will be very interested in giving Ultramon another go. Until then though it doesn't work for me.

Please email me if there are any updates. Thanks again for your prompt response.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart taskbar in hybrid standard/mirror mode

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