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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Blue Screening
Steven Lawton   2002-02-17 02:26
Hi, just setup a dual head system under Windows XP, GF2 GTS as primary AGP, TNT2 Ultra as PCI secondary.

Whenever i do anything video related, open Combustion, Use windows media player or open a web page with an embedded video in it the machine will instantly blue screen with the error PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA.

I'm running the 23.12 drivers for both cards hoping someone may be able to help me out with this problem as the only reason i set it up was to use it with combustion.

Steven Lawton   2002-02-19 05:15
Issue Resolved installing 27.42 drivers with nview has cleared the problem
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Blue Screening

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