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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon and Windows 8
Marc Persad   2012-05-15 23:38
I've read that the final build of Windows 8 will include the same major multi monitor capabilities as Ultramon. Will Ultramon continue to be developed with any additional features to make it worth purchasing for Windows 8 users?
Christian Studer   2012-05-16 08:57
Support for Windows 8 will be in the next release, 3.2.0.

Windows 8 will have a multi-monitor taskbar similar to UltraMon's Smart Taskbar, apart from that I'm not aware of any new multi-monitor features.

Christian Studer -
John Williams   2012-05-21 10:31
Will Ultramon 3.2.0 be released in time for Windows 8 Release Preview (early June 2012)? I'm interested in jumping on the Windows 8 train but don't want to lose my UltraMon.
Christian Studer   2012-05-22 07:57
I can't guarantee it, though you can still install 3.1.0 on Windows 8, what won't work are the window buttons (and the wallpaper if you have a monitor to the left of the primary).

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2012-05-22 13:28
FYI: I just saw this article from PC Mag that mentions some other Windows Multi Monitor features, like different wallpaper for each monitor, better start menu handling (than the earlier Windows 8 preview) and a few other things.

- Eric,
Christian Studer   2012-05-23 09:11
I think I found the feature you mentioned, there's a new span option for the wallpaper, which stretches a single wide image across both monitors. You can't select one image per monitor though.

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2012-05-23 10:56
Per the article, the new features are not in the current Windows 8 preview version. They should be in the next preview version.

- Eric,
Albert Wiersch   2012-05-26 08:50
I'm glad to hear Windows 8 support is coming... Ultramon is a 'must-have' for my 6 monitor system!
ECarlson   2012-05-31 08:15
The new Windows 8 preview just came out. I don't know if it has the newest multi-monitor features that were mentioned in the article or not. If someone gives it a try, please let us know.

- Eric,
Lionel Modra   2012-06-13 22:54
I cannot get UltraMon to run on Windows 8 Release Preview Build 8400. Immediately after installation completes aultrsMon crashes with this message:—
UltraMon encountered a fatal error and will exit.

More information:
Version: 3.1.0
OS:6.2.8400 x64
Source file: .\ButtonRendererVistaComposited.cpp
Line: 91
Return Value: 0
Last error: 1814

Attempting to restart UltraMon results in the same error.

ButtonRendererVistaComposited.cpp does not appear to be present. I've searched the system drive, and the registry.

Interestingly, UltraMonDesktop.exe runs, in W8 RP, and changes wallpaper (but with the wallpaper selected for the RH monitor appearing on the LH monitor, and vice versa.

When I installed W8 RP to a different drive from the CP installation, it picked up the wallpapers I had set in the CP using Ultramon. So I still have separate wallpapers!
Christian Studer   2012-06-14 08:40
The window buttons don't work on Windows 8, as a workaround you can disable them in the registry, to do this run regedit.exe, then go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Window Buttons and set 'Maximize to Desktop Button' and 'Move Window Button' to zero.

Christian Studer -
Lionel Modra   2012-06-14 20:26
Thank you! You had given this workaround previously, when I was running the CP. But when I received the error message I thought that was generated by some difference between W8 CP and W8 RP, so didn't try the workaround.
The error message didn't appear in the CP, hence my thought that it was a new incompatibility.
Tobias   2012-06-17 07:33
Please integrate a Start Button in Win8 Ultramon Release! I dont know why MS forces the people to a certain handling not allowing them to configure it at their own will! If I want blinki-blinki nobrain and no option to decide, I would go for Apple or become a member of the Euro!!

Lionel Modra   2012-06-17 19:34
Another FYI. One of my identical Samsung S24A450 (1920 x 1200) monitors failed this morning, so I hooked up a Samsung XL20 (1600 x 1200) in its place. While I was running UltraMon in W7 I was still able to set up different wallpapers - one 16 x 10 and one 4 x 3, each filling the screen as expected. Moving windows from one monitor to the other worked as expected. But when I fired up W8 the wallpaper on the 4 x 3 monitor crossed the divide to the 16 x 10 monitor. I suspect this may be related to the reversal of windows in the UltraMon wallpaper setup dialogue box, as attempting to set the correct proportions goes to the opposite monitor.
Moving windows to the other monitor (with a hotkey) still works OK in W8 with these non-identical monitors. So I am not using UltraMon for wallpaper control at present. The built-in spanning function in W8 allows me to have wallpaper that fills both screens, using my own photos.
Christian Studer   2012-06-18 10:12
This issue will also be fixed in 3.2.0, happens if you have a monitor to the left of the primary.

Christian Studer -
Lionel Modra   2012-06-18 12:27
Thanks. Yes, my secondary monitor is to the left of the primary. And when I run a third monitor that is to the left of the secondary. All works OK in W7. I only use the third monitor when I have a particular project on the go.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon and Windows 8

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