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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Intermittent Access Is Denied error with Ultramon
harrise   2012-05-21 21:09

we have an app in vb6 that uses ultramon sdk to move for ex: Internet Explorer to a 2nd screen,

for some reason they are now starting getting Access is Denied error.

this is working fine on debug mode and its difficult to replicate the issue.

We have a COM Wrapper that calls our Assembly.

The error no. is -2147467259

Any known issue regarding this? Or is there anybody here has the same problem?

Christian Studer   2012-05-22 07:55
Which method call is raising the error?

-2147467259 is actually E_FAIL (unspecified error), hex code 0x80004005.

Christian Studer -
harrise   2012-05-22 19:58
Hello Christian,

This is the error no. we are getting
and the message is "Access is Denied"

Then the other 64 bit machine is returning a message of

"Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed"

they are both have the same error no. though.

This is not happening when i debug the code
but the error is coming from when its getting the process.
Christian Studer   2012-05-23 04:10
Can you post the line of code which causes the error?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Intermittent Access Is Denied error with Ultramon

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