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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1080P hardware encoding from a higher resoultion using Ultramon
Glavius   2012-08-10 05:28
I think I've found a use for Ultramon that may allow more people to stream video games. I'm a gamer who plays at 2560x1600 (more commonly people own 1920x1200 monitors) but the best hardware capture cards today only support 1080p (1920x1080@30fps) encoding. Thanks to Ultramon I was able to to use its mirroring and shrink features to both play at 2560x1600 and shrink a second identical video stream to 1920x1080 for encoding.

All I needed was one physical monitor with two DVI cable inputs, a Live Gamer HD capture card, and two DVI cables plus Ultramon. As far as I can tell their is no solution out there other than Ultramon that works this well.

The only issue I've run into when doing this is when I initialize Ultramon I end up with an extremely low 4 FPS in the game. By tabbing out, launching resource manager, and returning to the game I go back to my usual 60+FPS and become completely watchable. This sounds like a bug in the program that may be easily resolved. I was using Ultramon 3.2.1 on an ATI Radeon 6990 at 2560x1600.

The writeup I did over at Avermedia on this solution can be viewed here:
Christian Studer   2012-08-10 08:41
Sounds more like a driver issue, maybe the display or capture driver, at the moment I don't see how UltraMon could be affected by tabbing out of the game. Basically mirroring just runs in a loop and copies screen contents, doesn't matter what applications are running.

Let me know if you find out anything else.

Christian Studer -
Glavius   2012-08-10 12:11
I notice when it happens my cpu usage is sitting at 11 to 13% on one processor (I assume the application isn't multithreaded) with CPU frequency at 110% (Intel Core I7 with turbo hence 110%)

If I figure out the cause I'll let you know because the mirror feature alone makes the software worth buying if you want to stream with a high resolution monitor.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1080P hardware encoding from a higher resoultion using Ultramon

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