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Bill 2012-08-24 18:25
I've looked around the site, but don't see any mention of Windows 8 compatibility. I just upgraded and the current version of UltraMon does not work.
Lionel Modra 2012-08-24 21:07
I'm running UltraMon x64 3.2.1 successfully on W8 Pro x64 (RTM), apart from one or two very minor issues. Whilst I don't know for certain whether using 32 bit UltraMon on 64 bit W8 would refuse to work I assume that it may, as separate versions are available.
Christian Studer 2012-08-25 05:57
3.2.1 will work, but theme-related stuff was changed again between the release preview and RTM and will require changes in UltraMon to get the buttons to match the look of the theme.
As Lionel said you'll need the correct version for your system, the 32-bit release won't work on 64-bit Windows and vice versa.
Christian Studer -
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