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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smarttask Bar not active on cold restart
Chris Wegener   2012-08-26 03:49
Dear Friends--

First let me say Ultramon has been working great for a long time.

The new release 3.2.1 has a quirk. Occasionally when I start my system the Smarttask Bar does not appear on the second monitor. I have to go into Ultramon options disable the Smarttask bar, close options, reopen options and reenable the smarttask bar check box. (This is neither time consuming or terrible y bothersome but I felt you should know.)

Christian Studer   2012-08-26 08:27
Please check if selecting Smart Taskbar > Enable from the UltraMon menu fixes the issue as well, this would mean that the Smart Taskbar doesn't start at all for some reason.

Christian Studer -
Dan   2012-09-10 22:54
I am experiencing exactly the same smart taskbar issue. Smart Taskbar does not start when the system starts, but I can enable it from the UltraMon tray icon. I do not remember this happening before I upgraded to 3.2.1. My system configuration is Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit, with 4 monitors running on 2 nVidia NVS 290 cards.

I do have smart taskbar option enabled with the "standard" option and none of the monitors has smart taskbar "diasabled."
Dan   2012-09-11 00:22
Well, never mind?! I just installed a new version of Kensington Trackball Works for my Expert Mouse trackball and when I next rebooted, the smart taskbar is back. Go figure. It could just be a coincidence, but I don't think I will go back and reinstall the old trackball software to try and replicate the problem.
Christian Studer   2012-09-11 10:02
Let me know if you get this again.

Christian Studer -
Immano   2012-10-24 07:15
Hello, I see this thread is not very old, so since I'm having a similar issue I thought I'd chime in. Been a few weeks now, at windows startup the settings in the Options window for Ultramon are to launch the Smart Taskbar for both my two extra monitors but it no longer happens (this worked fine for months until recently). When I use "Enable" on the menu from the tray icon, after thinking it up a couple of seconds or less, it activates the function for both monitors, moving highlighted icons to the correct bars. No amount of fooling around with settings has changed this. Not sure what could've changed that brought this about, I mean it could be just about anything as I regularly do updates of system, security suite, drivers and all software. But I cannot recall a precise moment when this started except that it was within October. Running latest Ultramon 64 on Win7-64 Ultimate, 3 monitors on AMD 5970, Catalyst 12.8.
Christian Studer   2012-10-24 07:56
Immano, should be fixed in the next release, I recently looked into a similar issue with a customer, the problem was that the main taskbar wasn't present when UltraMon started, and UltraMon didn't get notified once the main taskbar had been created so the additional taskbar(s) were never added.

Christian Studer -
Immano   2012-10-25 03:51
Wasn't present? The main bar can be "not present"? Well I do have mine on auto-hide, I guess it could be that, and this apparently doesn't happen every time, today it didn't. Anyway, thanks for taking this into account in the next update. Cheers.
Christian Studer   2012-10-25 08:53
Seems to be a timing issue, when the Smart Taskbar gets started the main taskbar hasn't been created yet.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smarttask Bar not active on cold restart

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