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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win7 x64 + 16 monitors
Einar   2012-09-09 22:06
Hi. I have win 7 pro x64 and 4x Nvidia Quadro NVS 450.
Ultramon UltraMon_3.1.0_en_x64
Nvidia driver version 305.93(newest)

When I move some window between two monitors(no matter what monitors), i have lags when i do this.
I also disabled option "Show window contents while dragging".
Moving window(frame) have no liquidity. . When i have only two graphic cards NVS 450 enabled on motherboard (two cards = 8 monitors) moving window(frame) works good. Problem is when i have more then two graphic cards.
There is no problem when i move window(frame) using WinXP 32 bit on 4 graphic cards(16 monitors).
Please help
Christian Studer   2012-09-10 10:26
I don't know if this is a display driver or Windows issue, but one thing you could try is to disable desktop composition by using the basic or classic theme instead of Aero. You can change this via Control Panel > Personalization.

Christian Studer -
Einar   2012-09-13 22:29
It didn't help. Do you have any ideas?
Christian Studer   2012-09-14 09:58
I don't know what else you could try, maybe Nvidia can help, though they probably don't support configurations with more than 10 monitors.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win7 x64 + 16 monitors

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