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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Multiple ultramon.exe apps spawned
Garret   2012-11-05 05:27
Good Day,

I have an odd issue. When I try to watch a video or attend an online meeting using Webex software my screens start flashing and cursor is reset to the center of my primary monitor. If I look at the task manager at this time I see that ultramon.exe is listed dozens of times and continues to spawn new instances. If I then close the IE window that holds the video or meeting all the extra instances close as well.

I have ID v8, Windows 2003, and 5 monitors total. About from Ultramon shows

5 monitors
Current desktop: 4320x1800 (0,-900 - 4320,900)

Monitor 1 - ThinkPad Display 1440x900 (primary):
Settings: 1440x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1440,900. Workspace: 0,0 - 1440,900
Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor1

2 monitors using the Intel driver and the other 3 monitors are using EVGA UV+ USB to VGA devices and drivers. Any help would be appreciated.

Christian Studer   2012-11-05 09:14
Do you have the same issue with other applications which are listed under Start Menu > Programs > Startup?

If you don't have any other applications there, copy Notepad from Start Menu > Programs > Accessories to Start Menu > Programs > Startup and check if you also get multiple Notepad instances when using Webex.

Christian Studer -
Garret   2012-11-05 23:44
It only seems to be Ultramon. I tried your suggestion of putting a shortcut to Notepad in there and it never opened during an event.

Christian Studer   2012-11-06 00:26
I would recommend checking with Webex if they know what might be going on, at the moment I don't see how this could be an issue with UltraMon. UltraMon only restarts itself when certain settings get changed via UltraMon Options.

You could also try removing UltraMon from the startup folder, though if you didn't have the issue with Notepad it seems unlikely that this would help.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Multiple ultramon.exe apps spawned

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